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My Belief Shared

Talking Points

1. Conclusion:

"Humans today stand at the gates of dawn of humanity."
• Why start with the conclusion?
• Some personal notes
• The contribution of 'the West'

2. Lead up to and basis for the conclusion.

• Deep Ancestry, evolution and diversity
Diversity spreads the risk of the effect and impact of unexpected events and so maximises continuity and survival. (This is why there is good value in cooperation.)

• Examples of diversity in species, human cultures, evolution.

• Religions, ideologies, cultures and identities, teachings, communities
Central values in religions: [p.47]
– Good thoughts, words, deeds in Zoroastrianism,
– Harmony in Dao-ism,
– Purity in Brahmanism,
– Non-attachment in Buddhism,
– Charity in Christianity,
– Laws of conduct in Islam,
– Many Hoops of Black Elk.
– Bio-, language-, and cultural- diversity.
– The potential of humanity is …

3. Our diverse world of today.

• Conflicts and diversity today.

Conflicts: [p.43]
– Myanmar: Muslims persecuted by Buddhists
– Middle East: Christians and others persecuted by Muslims
– India: cross cast marriage is not tolerated
– The West: use of Bangladeshi slave labour for apparel. {Charity?}

•A belief is not 'robust' if it cannot adequately address and accommodate its differences with other beliefs. [p.44]
This causes a boundary situation: What is the needed change?

Teachings supplemented: [p.43]
– The old teachings stand, but add to/ supplement with Tolerance and mutual respect going forward in/ with mutual support { ~ Structure of Ancient Egypt}

• How to learn tolerance; integration, shadow, respect
Integration: Marking the route to Integration: [p.48]
– Accept the diversity of our humanity
– Value and understand it as opposed to rejection and avoidance
– Like the commandment: "Love one another", we need to say: "Respect one another in diversity", And then teach how to practice it,
– Such as looking for shared traditional values as opposed to condemning the other for not being like one self.
– This constitutes a change in attitude and value judgment.

4. Aiming for wholeness in diversity.

• Existence Divine, acceptance, comprehensive inclusion, consciousness

Inclusion: [p.45]
– In Existence Divine the unifying factor is the valuing and celebration of the many different contributions. These add to the multi-valued culture we share and enrich each and every one of us. This does not keep us from each other, but is a factor of curiosity and attraction (while the respected given tradition supports the value of the traditional identity.)

• Examining your own tradition for 'identity' and 'tolerance'

Our conclusion revisited:
Exploring the realm of being Human within Existence Divine.

1) My Belief Shared Talking Points-2.docx — CLEC 2013-08-11 — A.D. Vander Vliet.